This affirming devotional is for anyone who needs to discover or rediscover the heart of the word of God…the beauty of the message…the love flowing through the words…the hope and healing offered for all. In this book, I combine a theological reflection on the verses selected along with fictional stories or poetry to deepen our interaction with the Bible and help us see the beauty in the diversity of God’s world. I end the book with a historical and theological view of the people (including Jesus) who were voices for change. I hope this devotional opens doors to new conversations about our faith and how we live out the words we read when we study the heart of God’s word.
We are loved by God. That is clear throughout the Bible. God loves me. God loves you. God created a colorful and diverse world. God created people with different gifts and talents. God draws us together in community so we can bring love, healing, and hope to this world. That’s the heart of the word.
Write Away: Writing Guides from an Author and Teacher
After years of writing, editing, teaching, and speaking to writing groups, Chris Pepple brings her insights into creative and academic writing to you. Write Away offers writing prompts and challenges for writers and students of all ages. This book offers suggestions to help writers find a way to move past writer’s block and to strengthen their writing skills. This book also offers a variety of tips on topics such as finding your writing style, choosing your genre, reaching your audience, creating strong characters, and overcoming your weaknesses as a writer. All genres of writing need creativity infused throughout the work to strengthen the piece, engage the intended audience, and take something ordinary and make it extraordinary. Bonus sections include tips for reading lists and academic writing assignments for homeschooled students; insights from other authors; motivational quotes; multiple bonus writing prompts; and in-depth grammar tips for all ages.

Finding Me
Why do I write? Because I have to. The words are my connection with my spirituality, with the people around me, with love, with healing, with hope. I write to turn truths into poetry and fiction…to embrace diversity and capture the beauty and complexity of the people around me…to share the voice of the people we often fail to hear…to declare that all people deserve to have their story told. I hope that I inspire people to learn how to write their own stories in their own voice. Through these words, I give glimpses of my story and the stories of others I have met along my journey.
Through FINDING ME, I hope you discover and enjoy all of my quirks and complexities. I have tried to live my life in a way that allows me to truly see a wide diversity of the people who populate this wonderful world we all call home. I have also tried to listen and learn and grow along the way, hopefully bringing love along on the journey.

Looking, Seeing
LOOKING, SEEING gives readers a glimpse into the life of a single mother who has struggled with grief and survived domestic abuse...who raised two courageous children and taught them to find their own voices...who presented a square that was placed on the AIDS Quilt in memory of a relative she still misses...who has been a listener to many other women's voices along her journey. Chris Pepple...a poet who will no longer be silenced.
...poetry that is honest and raw...poetry that opens doors leading to new conversations on hope, on love, on faith, on change, on courage, and on healing.
Without a Voice
WITHOUT A VOICE takes you on a journey across three states in the 1840s, traveling with Sarah and her daughters as they learn about their own strengths and abilities, and as they discover a new life with family and friends. Sarah's younger brother knows that she hides a secret, and he wants to help her break free from the pain she is hiding from others. Sarah wonders, though, if she is courageous enough to break the chains that tie her to a life of suffering and sorrow. She fears that she is not strong enough to care for her two young daughters alone.
Two Frontiers
​2017 Next Generation Indie Book Awards Finalist
Two Frontiers takes readers into the heart of the Mexican–American War and into the hearts of Elizabeth and Daniel who face the challenges of two frontiers as they start their new lives together. Travel from Concord to San Antonio, march in America’s first war on foreign soil, and join the heartaches and joys of a young family just trying to define home. Follow the soldiers on their march to Mexico City. Remain in San Antonio with Elizabeth as she faces her own challenges at home. Pray with each of them as they struggle to survive.
Writing Your Faith Journey
This resource encourages parents/church members to leave behind a faith legacy for children and grandchildren or family members and friends that will include thoughts on various faith topics that have been important on their faith journey.
Writing your faith means leaving notes, books, letters or journals that talk about what you believe about hope—what you believe about the comfort and guidance promised to us through the Holy Spirit—what you believe about church attendance—what you believe about forgiveness—and why do you believe these things—where do you get your beliefs… Guided questions are included. Can be used by individuals or church groups.